developmental psychology books are different - different use of the term - the
term is also sometimes different but have the same meaning / almost the same. User terms to mention the
transition from childhood to adulthood, no one gave the term: puberty (UK),
puberteif (Netherlands), puberty (Latin), which means that at maturity landasi
by nature and a sign - a sign kelaki - males. Limitation teenagers from
various experts is highly variable, in the proposed restrictions could sisni:
Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood are
experiencing all aspects of the development / function to enter adulthood,
including physical, sexual, and social. Usually the teenager has not
been considered as a member of society that need to be heard and considered
their opinions and be responsible for him. First they need to master
science and technology in some capacity, as well as having emotional stability,
social and personality.
In the Islamic view of man when it akhil baligh, it has been responsible for his actions. If he does good will be rewarded and if doing good deeds will not sin. Adolescence is a time when the incidence of a variety of needs and emotions as well as the growing strength and physical abilities are more obvious and poor power to mature. But adolescence filled with feelings of uncertainty, anxiety and wavering, which berkecambuk expectations and challenges, pleasure and pain, all of them must be passed with an uphill battle, to the next day and adult psychological matang.Secara, adolescence is the age at which an individual berintelegensi with the adults, the age at which children no longer felt under the level of people who are older but are in the same level of money, at least on the issue of rights.
a. Changes in Physical and Sexual Abuse.
High growth / length of the body of men and women up to the age of 9 years can be said to walk the same. After that start the beginning of accelerated growth in women, while men are more slowly in children. According Nicolsen and Henley, who wrote Dada in Solomon (1995:27), to achieve maximum growth in young women will occur at a mean age - average 11.5 and 13.8 years in male children mean chronological age by an additional measure height the greatest. Both men and women, enlarged larynx to the vocal cords become longer. Changes in the vocal cords that causes her to get a full and warm sound in appeals kid pitched voice. Son of man be heavy voice, the anatomic namunkarena rapid adjustment precedes nerve, a typical situation arising in men, sometimes - sometimes sound higher among heavy.
In the Islamic view of man when it akhil baligh, it has been responsible for his actions. If he does good will be rewarded and if doing good deeds will not sin. Adolescence is a time when the incidence of a variety of needs and emotions as well as the growing strength and physical abilities are more obvious and poor power to mature. But adolescence filled with feelings of uncertainty, anxiety and wavering, which berkecambuk expectations and challenges, pleasure and pain, all of them must be passed with an uphill battle, to the next day and adult psychological matang.Secara, adolescence is the age at which an individual berintelegensi with the adults, the age at which children no longer felt under the level of people who are older but are in the same level of money, at least on the issue of rights.
a. Changes in Physical and Sexual Abuse.
High growth / length of the body of men and women up to the age of 9 years can be said to walk the same. After that start the beginning of accelerated growth in women, while men are more slowly in children. According Nicolsen and Henley, who wrote Dada in Solomon (1995:27), to achieve maximum growth in young women will occur at a mean age - average 11.5 and 13.8 years in male children mean chronological age by an additional measure height the greatest. Both men and women, enlarged larynx to the vocal cords become longer. Changes in the vocal cords that causes her to get a full and warm sound in appeals kid pitched voice. Son of man be heavy voice, the anatomic namunkarena rapid adjustment precedes nerve, a typical situation arising in men, sometimes - sometimes sound higher among heavy.
b. Changes Fisio - Sexual and Social.
Changes in sexual physio or bio - have sexual significance in psycho - social when compared with the development of sexual behavior. Storm and Stress or often called hurricanes and typhoons, teenagers are very sensitive, often changes attitude or direction, suddenly become lethargic. The excitement turned into sadness. Included in aspiring sometimes as high as the sky, suddenly intervene and hesitation. In love, taste besahabat or interest can be quickly changed to others then often called puppy love or puppey experience love.
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